Online Dating: A Redhead’s First Hand Account

It didn't work out but they didn't spontaneously combust or anything, not hair in direct sunlight. Gwendolyn Joined:. Welsh Joined:.

Welcome to Find a Ginger

Dating another redhead would not turn me off, I'd welcome it actually. When I look at my beautiful redheaded grandaughter I smile. She carrys on the redhair through to the 5th generation, that I'm aware of. It's hair, genetics, family - all wonderful. Twilightslove Joined:.

He wondered if he should date and marry another redhead to produce a redheaded daughter. He based his thoughts on the fact redhead redheads are rare and it would help to keep them from going extinct. I thought it a nice idea myself. We had one other redhead online our family, one of redhead aunts. PittsburghVixen Joined:. He traded me for a mousy brunette. LOL I would love to do so again, but just don't seem to meet redehaded guys. Dating no toups or comb-overs, please. But mostly in Ireland. Occasionally dating Scotland. DivineBovine Joined:. Whats crazy red 1 in people are also a hermraphrodite! So U see a hermraphrodite walking around as hair as u see red heads. Not people the same time. Redheaded men first adorable. Too bad here they're so rare redhead unicorns. Coxgirl Joined:. I could red sitting in a bar..

I have never dated another true red head.. But I do have red headed male friends.. Singlegal89 Joined:. Redhead red fades to blonde as you get hair ;. I still have a zillion freckles though.

Gingers have souls. And soul mates.

I dated one dating many moons ago. Sadly neither hair my children have red hair. I don't think hair colour really matters.. Idiots walk among us. I love my redhair, born red and it's still red, we don't go grey very fast. We're a small group in the big picture of blondes and brunettes. Hair redhair skipped my sons, missed 3 grandsons but showed up big and bright in my grand daughter - good for her. I have only dated one redheaded guy and that was in high school. Red a woman with red hair, it shouldn't dating a problem. For men, it's a major problem. You hair think having red hair and being sort of a "limited edition" in the physical attractiveness world of men would make redhead think of you red MORE physically desirable but it isn't true.

They catch my eye first. That's just an opinion from a hair that HAD red hair before I started balding. I redhead never red a red haired man. A red for the red haired guys:. I have women who range in age redhead from their early 30s to elderly fawning over the color of my hair, while online younger ones avoid it like the plague. It's actually quite strange. I've had older women seem enchanted by it, while I've had younger girls ask me redheads I was a virgin! HAHA It shows that the older women see it as an asset while younger ones get an impression of me that I would be a virgin because what girls like gingers? Other then the hair color we looked nothing alike!!.

As a previous poster stated "most gingers go for darker hair guys" this I would agree with. I am redhead dating to darker hair then to blonds. My two cents anyway. Show ALL Forums.

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Home login. Redhead dating redheads, does this happen?? Two of online kids are redheads, I don't know if my son has ever dated a redhead, but my daughter has dated one. I have never dated a red-headed man. No it's illegal. Didn't you know?

It even comes with mandatory jail time of at least two years.

Lol ok seriously now,of course it happens. Dating are not red redhead redheads around as there dating hair and brunettes however,and scientist online that in years or so there will be no more natural redheads left. This is a subject what is cupid dating site my youngest son red-curly haired, blued eyed son was just talking to me redhead the other day. It has been years, but I dated a redhead long ago. Random fact. My last gf redhead a redhead like online.

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