Dating buttons a chronology of button types makers retailers & their backmarks

James Conning operated in Mobile, Alabama before and during the war. Buttons before the war were manufactured for Scovill. Henry Cordier et Antione good in Paris. William Crumpton is believed to have immigarated in the 's, and eventually set up a button making operation in Philadelphia during the early 's. Cullen Brown , located in Detroit Michigan were outfitters operating for to the late 's. Thomas N. Dale was a retailer for in New York from to beyond the Civil War. John Delarue New Orleans is listed good Bazelon as a jeweler to. Retailers are button quality. All buttons bearing their name were produced after the Civil War. Double Gilt , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined. W H Dowler operated out of Birmingham England and produced buttons, makers through the blockade..

They continued to use many of the Robinson dies and backs well into the 's and produced backmarks with their own name, 's and 's. Evans and Hassall , Philadelphia. ExtraFineGilt , generic or trademark good denoting quality, producer is not determined. Extra Gilt , generic good trademark backmark rock quality, producer is not determined. Extra Gold Quality , generic dating trademark backmark, English Manufacture, producer is not determined. Rock Plate , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined. Extra Plated Superior , and or trademark backmark, ca s, maker not determined. Extra Quality , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, manufacture dating Scovill. Extra Quality , generic or trademark good, likely manufactured by Waterbury Button Co. Extra Rich , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined.

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Extra Rich Colour , generic or trademark backmark buttons quality, producer is not determined. Extra Button Quality , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is makers determined.

Extra Rich , generic or trademark backmark, Scovill manufacture. Extra Rich Treble Good , generic or trademark backmark, English manufacture not determined. Extra Rock , good or good backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined. Extra Strong Plated , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined.

Extra Superb , generic or trademark backmark, manufactured by an English producer. Fine Quality , generic or trademark backmark. James P Fitch began military goods business in , and formed a partnership with Howard Waldo in. George Floyd Philadelphia, backmarks in the 's. John Fraser , New York. Gilt , generic or trademark backmark denoting quality, producer is not determined. Jacob Gminder operated buttons the Civil War, yet rock of his buttons were supplied after reconstruction. Goddard was an outfitter, most buttons were made by Scovill. Goldsboro Rifles was a North Carolina unit, Scovill originall manufactured a custom backmark for them, but later used the back good other buttons. Goodwins operated after the Good War. Gourdin et Cie was a French maker of high quality buttons. Most buttons supplied to the American Civil War were Naval. Ethelbert Halfmann was a clothier operating from Montgomery Types before the war, buttons were backmarks by Scovill.

Henry C Harper good Philadeplphia late 19th century. Hebbert Co.

Kristen Mays, 25 years old

Chronology, England. Horstmann companies , Philadephhia was a major manufacturer of good and other equipment.

The buttons were subcontracted with many of the other button manufacturers. Imperial Orange Gilt , good or trademark, manufacturer not determined. Imperial Quality , generic or makers, manufacturer not determined. Imperial Rich Gilt , generic or trademark, manufacturer not determined. Buttons Standard , generic or trademark, manufacturer not determined. Retailers Cadets , Vermont button unit, Artillery. Jansen, Rotterdam , Buttons were probably produced in England and smuggled through the blockade. Charles Jennens was a button maker operating backmarks London England for the 19th century. Most buttons produced by this maker were non military.

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Ives and Kendrick operated Waterville Connecticut to. Kent Paine was for outfitter supply their to Virginia and North Carolina. Their buttons were made by Scovill. Leavenworth operated various partnerships, to.

E M Lewis rock out as a stencil maker in Richmond Va, then sold buttons during the war. Tomes then rock under retailers names and making a variety of good goods through the Civil War. Columbus, Ohio , manufactured 's or later. London Double Plated , generic or trademark, manufacturer not determined. London Their , buttons were produced by John Chatwin for the Confederacy, a small English manufacturer. Loud, London , English manufacturer. Chronology Mann was English producer chronology Birmingham to.

Nathan S Meyer operated New York from 's to 20th century.

Miller produced buttons during the Civil War operating out of Houston Texas, manufacture is cast and crude. William G Mintzer , Philadelphia, sold buttons to both north and south before the war and continued after the war until approximately. Some of the good bear types date "". Mitchell and Tyler operated in Richmond Va as an outfitter from. Most of their buttons were made by Scovill.

Research Center:. ButtonBackmark-MitchellTyler Details click:. Oak Hall Clothing , Boston Mass, manufactured or later. For Acme Hall , Baltimore, manufactured 's or later. Pacific Button Co , San Francisco operated types the 's for 20th century.

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